How To Make Your Online Business Successful with Zaakpay

The past year has seen phenomenal growth in the number of online businesses. The power of social media and digital marketing has pushed even well-established brands to start online outlets for convenient shopping. This speaks volumes about the potential that the online space holds for every business size which wants to scale up. However, it is highly important to keep in mind that the strategies that work for online businesses are very different from those that contribute to the success of a brick-and-mortar business. Hence, it becomes essential to implement strategies that work exceptionally well.

Here’s how you can scale your online business and make it more successful.

Simple Tricks to Grow Your Online Business

Accept instant payments via Zaakpay, one of the best payment gateways for small businesses & accelerate online sales!

  • Use Automated Tools: Automation helps in managing several nuances of the business. From creating plans to sending reminders, invoicing, & even sending refunds- automated tools help to save time, reduce overhead costs, and save money. Payment gateway providers like Zaakpay allow merchants to accept instant payments without any manual interventions.
  • Capitalize on your USP: Businesses must find their USP and market it. There could be many similar aspects with others; however, there could be one particular aspect that sets your business apart. It could be anything from the most affordable products, no shipping costs, free delivery, liberal refunds, custom-made products, or any other.
  • Understand the pulse of the customer: Customer feedback helps align the business growth goals realistically. Creating a rapport with customers goes a long way in growing and developing the business. For example, it may happen that your online payment solutions are not working as intended, although this never happens with Zaakpay. But if it does, the business needs to immediately act upon it and solve the queries to maintain customer trust. 
  • Understand consumer trends: The market is dominated by customer trends that tend to change over time. Analyzing the trends to customize the production and marketing strategies can make the business reach the right customer at the right time. Zaakpay’s robust payment solutions can also be customized to include all the popular payment methods the target audience prefers.
  • Realize the real value of the products: It is essential to neither undervalue nor overvalue the development a business offers. It may be tempting to set a lower price than the market value to boost sales, but this deflates profits in the long run. On the contrary, setting a higher price will make the customer opt for an alternative product. 
  • Choose the right payment gateway: It is of utmost importance that merchants opt for a payment gateway that offers constant support to troubleshoot any problem. Zaakpay offers 24×7 business support via calls and email where a team of experts helps merchants with a range of issues- from onboarding to integration and any technical glitches that may occur.

8 Marketing Strategies to Increase your Online Business Growth

  • Content marketing: Content marketing is in stark contrast with regular digital advertisements. Using creative content to market your product or service via blogs, videos, social media, etc., can increase customer interaction. It gives the customer a more candid look at the core of the business rather than a fabricated advertisement. 
  • Active social media: The customer base for any online business is already there on social media. All the business has to do is identify its customer base and create targeted social media campaigns to reach out to them. It is imperative to post regularly on all social media handles with relevant information and. The content marketing elements like blogs can be reshared on social media to create an interlinked environment for the customers to know about the business better. All features of the business can be promoted. 
  • Device-specific websites: The world today is split when it comes to the device they use. There are smartphones, laptops, desktop computers, and iPads, each with different screen sizes. As per the statistics website GlobalStats, 76.57% market share in India is held by smartphones, while only 22.98% belongs to desktops. This will become a disadvantage for businesses whose websites are not customized for the small screens of mobile devices. The online payment processing system of the business must also be compatible with all device screens sizes. Zaakpay payment gateway makes it super convenient for the users to make online payment processing easier on all devices- from laptops to smartphones, computers, and even tablets.
  • SEO: SEO or ‘Search Engine Optimization is one of the best ways to grow an online business and ensure that the customers can find it easily by a simple Google search. The idea is to optimize your business and its content so that it is one of the top options a Google search yields.
  • Target-centric approach: Every target audience segment has different expectations. Market research helps to understand the required target segment demands. The purchase trend of the customers can be analyzed to craft marketing campaigns that can be planned and promoted during peak hours or seasons.
  • Newsletters or subscription emails: A common marketing strategy is to maintain a database of all the customers to send them regular newsletters or promotional emails. This reminds the customer about the business and the product from time to time. This can be integrated with content marketing, and promotional emails can have more than just advertisements. This can increase click-through rates and sales.
  • Capitalizing on trust: Customers make recurring purchases from businesses they trust. This trust depends on the quality of the product and after-sales support. The reviews that customers give can also be used to promote the business. Satisfied customers will also lead to organic promotion by word-of-mouth and testimonials. An underrated way to build trust is a seamless online payment solution. Zaakpay, one of the best payment gateways for small businesses that enhances the customer experience with a simple and easy-to-navigate process.
  • Influencer Marketing: Influencers can help expand the business reach to a vast audience. It doesn’t have to be a big name as a famous actor. A somewhat well-known face on social media can do the job.


The right strategy has the potential to take a business to great heights. Irrespective of the scale of business, merchants need to adopt strategies that can help in business growth. One of the primary methods of doing this is having a coherent payment solution that enables you to accept payments from a diverse range of modes. Zaakpay does exactly this by offering 100+ payment modes for your customers to choose from.

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