Payment links

Collect Payments Anywhere, Anytime with Zaakpay Payment Links.

The digital payment era is marked by instant, hassle-free, and one-tap transactions. The confines of time and place are no longer a barrier to making payments. Businesses enjoy making sales at any hour of the day in any part of the country supported by robust payment systems like Zaakpay. 

These payment trends have become the ‘new normal,’ helping ease the shopping experience for the customers and making business more profitable for the merchants. One of the most common ways for merchants to collect payments anytime and anywhere is via a payment link. 

What is Zaakpay’s Payment Link?

Zaakpay payment links are an online solution to collect payments efficiently from customers. This payment solution allows merchants to generate payment links and send them to the customers using any messaging service like email, SMS, WhatsApp, or any other instant messaging app. The link leads the user to a payment gateway that hosts the transaction between the customer and the business entity.

Who can use Zaakpay Payment Links?

  • B2B, B2C entrepreneurs, and small businesses

Both B2B and B2C entrepreneurs have to accept bulk payments regularly. Generally, such small B2B and B2C businesses don’t have a website, and this rules out integrating with a payment gateway as a potential collection tool. With Zaakpay payment links, they can collect the payments directly through the link without needing a website.

  • Ecommerce platforms

For eCommerce platforms, quick and seamless payments are crucial to providing an excellent customer experience. With payment links, the process can be streamlined to reduce any latency. Merchants can also replace pay-on-delivery options with payment links to eliminate the need for manual payment collection. It also makes the business more secure by eliminating chances of fake orders, a recurring issue with pay-on-delivery that causes massive losses to eCommerce businesses.

  • Education and Insurance sectors

Education and insurance sectors have to collect recurring payments for fees and premiums, respectively. In this case, the merchant can create payment links and reduce a lengthy payment collection process to a few taps on the screen, making it simpler for both the customer and the merchant. Customers are also given the option to save their payment information in the gateway to facilitate easier recurring payments in the future.

  • Financial Services

Financial services also have to deal with a large number of customers and receive regular payments from them. A payment link can replace traditional modes of transactions like cash or cheque for financial services firms. This would make the working of the entire firm efficient and reduce unnecessary overhead costs.

  • Freelancers

Freelancers work with multiple clients on a daily basis. Since the preferred mode of payment can be different for different clients, it can become a hassle for freelancers to sign up on all such platforms. A payment link can be used as a simple solution through which the freelancer can collect payments from several modes without creating an account in all of them.

Benefits of using Zaakpay Payment Links

  • No coding or website integration needed

A Zaakpay payment link doesn’t need a website to function. It is an isolated URL that redirects the user to the payment page. A payment link can be easily created from the gateway dashboard and sent to the customer with a single tap. This saves the merchant a lot of technical effort and time needed to integrate a gateway into a website. Payment links do not require any coding or plugin integration. This makes it the most suitable option for merchants lacking much technical know-how to let customers pay digitally with an SMS pay link.

  • Convenient and easy way to collect payment

To collect payments using an SMS payment link, the merchant simply generates a link and circulates it with the concerned customer. The entire process involves just a few clicks that can be executed within seconds. Additionally, a real-time tracker is available on the dashboard, showing a detailed payment status for all the active transactions. This allows the merchant to actively track the status of pending payments on a unified platform. The Zaakpay payment link’s business-centric features make it an adequately convenient option for all types of businesses.

  • Multiple payment options

Zaakpay payment links allow merchants to offer various payment options like credit cards, debit cards, UPI, net banking, Pay Later, or mobile wallets. Upon clicking on the online payment link, they get the option to choose what payment mode to use. By supporting a wide spectrum of payment options, merchants can target a broader customer base and attract more business.

  • Notify customers automatically

Zaakpay’s online payment links are equipped with automated features that can remind customers about their pending payments. Reminders can be sent for recurring payments along with an SMS payment link so that customers can make the payment right away. Merchants can avoid delayed payments significantly by empowering customers to pay digitally with an SMS pay link.

  • Upload links in bulk

Accepting and tracking bulk payments is a bigger hassle than it sounds. With a payment link, however, it can be simplified to a much more manageable scale. The merchant can generate payment links in bulk and have them automatically mailed along with the invoice. From the dashboard itself, the status of all the bulk payments can be tracked down. Payment links can also be customized to accept only a fixed amount. This reduces errors that may crop up while processing larger volumes of transactions at once. Detailed payment statements make the system more reliable.

The Takeaway

With digital payments as the future of the payments industry, payment links will have a huge role to play in it. It is the most popular payment trend for the coming decade and will change the way we transact. 

Zaakpay allows merchants to create payment links for collecting instant payments at a super affordable price. Businesses can sign up and get started with the Zaakpay payment link service to receive instant payments from customers from anywhere and anytime without any hassle.

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