ecommerce payment gateway

Easy Steps to optimize Ecommerce product pages

Creating businesses online has become more accessible and manageable today with the help of digital innovations. As a result, the Ecommerce marketplace is becoming more crowded. Therefore, online stores need to provide shoppers with a simple, seamless, and pleasant experience to remain competitive in the market. The numbers will continue to rise with efficient digital payment solutions in place, making online payments service easier. This is why online retailers need to develop enjoyable and straightforward websites to use.

One of the most critical areas that Ecommerce stores tend to ignore is improving the pages of categories that show different items. In the following article, we have discussed some steps to ensure that your online category pages are functional and appealing to the clients.

Ways to Optimize Ecommerce Product Pages

  • Keyword Research: Before you start any of the strategies for SEO, it’s crucial to determine the keywords that customers would be using to find the items that you sell. It is very important for you not to skip this step. Keyword research is an essential element. By using the right keyword research strategies, you’ll be able to identify essential keywords for your customers, which will allow greater impressions and visitors to your site. Your primary goal is to determine the most relevant keywords and phrases relevant to your page and the products that you sell. It would be beneficial for you to consider elements like search volume, competition, and relevancy.
  • Urgent Calls to Action: Do you want to generate more demand for your products? Make sure to highlight their popularity by including urgent calls to action on your page for all the categories mentioned. For instance, you can attract more customers by saying that the time is short for grabbing a bargain, that an item is in “limited availability,” and that you have just a handful of items remaining. When you stick to your urgent call to action, your customers are more likely to buy from you. CTAs should redirect customers to the Ecommerce payment gateway page, just like the Zaakpay payments page. 
  • Easily Customizable Cart and Wishlist: Customers are generally looking to shop at their convenience and suitability. At times, customers buy products they’ve already purchased before and already know what they are like. Whatever the case, they may not have time to navigate to a page for the product and learn more about it. It is better to simplify shopping by allowing customers to add items to their Cart or Wish List on the website just by the click of a button. Further, with an Ecommerce payment gateway, customers would be able to check out products faster and enjoy a seamless shopping experience on one of your selected payments solutions.
  • Product Videos: Video product demonstrations are a technique that Ecommerce websites employ to attract the attention of their buyers. Make sure that you strategize the position of the videos. For example, videos hidden on the sidebar or bottom won’t bring any value, as they are harder to notice by customers. The best way to do this is to include them alongside your photos. Many Ecommerce sites adhere to this standard procedure, and it has helped to draw the interest of customers.
  • Payment Options: 8% of shoppers abandon their checkout page because the site does not offer their preferred payment option. A Credit Card decline is the main reason for most shoppers to leave the site. The best solution for this is to include multiple choices of payment for your website, like Zaakpay offers 100+ payment modes to their customers & serves to be one of the best payment gateway for Ecommerce Having a dedicated payment gateway for an Ecommerce website can help in this process. Consider that the most used payment solutions includes the following to make the online payments service seamless:
  • An Ecommerce payment gateway
  • Cash
  • Credit Cards
  • Debit Cards
  • Mobile payment
  • Relevant Product Names: Relevant product names would have a direct effect on the results of search engines. You should include the keywords you have chosen for your title tag and the description on the pages. Ensuring that the name is from the one-word phrase is essential, including the customers’ description. The most straightforward way to do this is to search for the item on Google, and you’ll get access to the names of products from almost all of the websites available.
  • Product Description: The addition of keywords to the meta description will not essentially impact the positioning of the page. However, it’s always beneficial to have it as an option, as it can increase clicks on your product page. Incorporating relevant keywords into your meta description and including numbers and bullets can boost the rate of click-throughs. Include a short description of what the customers would see on the main page. Pay attention to the idea that the description must be precise and one of a kind. You should include the prominent selling features of your product like brand, price, features, and product availability in your meta description. 
  • Shorter Loading Time: The conversion rate for Ecommerce is reduced because of the slow loading of items on a product page. Additionally, it hurts the specific keyword’s ranking on the page. The page must be loaded within 3 seconds. You can use different monitoring devices to monitor your website’s loading time. Having an online payment service such as Zaakpay can help reduce the loading time of the page and significantly decrease the bounce rate.
  • High-Quality HD Images: Check that the images of the products you sell are of high quality. The lighting contrast and resolution should be flawless. What is pleasing to the users’ eyes will convince them to make a purchase. High-quality images certainly translate to an increase in the speed of the page. Use the excellent tool for compression and formats so that you can strike an ideal balance between the two.

In conclusion

If the products you sell are distinctive, the pages which represent them should also be striking. The crucial point to remember is to consider the customer’s perspective while creating the pages for your products. Optimizing product pages can seem overwhelming due to the thousands and lakhs of products on your site. They are, however, the most crucial part of your Ecommerce website. Having a payment gateway for Ecommerce like Zaakpay is essential to optimizing the pages to increase conversions.

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